Revisited Austen in “Pride and Preston Lin”

Christina Hwang Dudley’s fun new novel Pride and Preston Lin takes inspiration from the Jane Austen classic, Pride and Prejudice, without…

Dark, Solitary Adventures of “Empty World”

Published in 1977,  John Christopher's scifi novel Empty World describes a world decimated by the Calcutta Plague, a deadly virus…

Roman Reads for the Ides of March

Happy Ides of March! Obviously, the best way to commemorate the assassination of Julius Caesar is by collectively stabbing the…

Trouble With Lichen

Trouble with Lichen is a 1960 scifi novel by John Wyndham. The story revolves around the discovery of a new…

Ela of Salisbury Mysteries

Ela of Salisbury Medieval Mysteries, by J. G. Lewis, is a series of historical murder mysteries, in which the very…