Wibbly-Wobbly Timey Wimey

Time may appear to be linear, but in in these novels, it’s all just a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff.

This Time Tomorrow

I just loved This Time Tomorrow, by Emma Straub. Y'all know I love a good wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey story, when linear…

1 year ago

Before The Coffee Gets Cold

At first, I wasn't interested in reading Before The Coffee Gets Cold because every description I read sounded so twee…

3 years ago

The Mindtraveler

In the tragic ending of Bonnie Rozanski’s "The Mindtraveler", physicist heroine Dr. Margaret Braverman wins the Nobel Prize. No, wait,…

3 years ago

Jane In Love

You know I just love a good Jane Austen variation, so I couldn't resist Jane in Love by Rachel Givney.…

4 years ago

Dispel Illusion

Dispel Illusion is the final story in Mark Laurence's Impossible Times trilogy. In the first novel, One Word Kill, teenage…

4 years ago